2023-2024 Engage & Confirm Registration

Thank you for registering for Our Father's Engage & Confirm. If you have additional children to register, please click RETURN TO FORM.

Please check your email for information for updates about Engage & Confirm as we get closer to Rally Night Wednesday 9/27. We strive to provide a safe and fun place to learn and grow in our faith. We are excited to discover more about our Creator and the great plans He has for us this year and beyond!

If you have questions, please call Our Father office at 763-477-6300
Engage and Confirm is back for another great year!  All kids 6th-10th Grade are welcome to join us on Wednesday Nights! See the Resources below and contact Tiffany Distad for more information on how you can get involved! Engage and Confirm Kickoff Night for Parents, students, and interested volunteers will be at 6pm, September 27th in the Fellowship Hall.Thank you for registering.  By registering you help us create a better plan and have a better idea of the kinds of spaces we need and resources we need to equip our group and volunteers.All students must be registered for the 2023-2024 year.
Child's Name

Please enter parent email and mobile phone below
Weekly information is communicated via email. Please list any/all emails you would like to receive information in.

We will be using text messages for updates and reminders as needed through the year.

Child's Grade for 2023-2024 School Year

Please select one option.

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Student Photo/Video Permission

I give Our Father's Lutheran Church in Rockford, MN permission to use my child's photo/video on their bulletin boards, scrapbooks, flyers, OFLC website, Facebook, Twitter etc. It is the policy of Our Father’s Lutheran Church that individual names will not be associated with any picture.
Please select one option.
Student Transportation Permission

During the church year, Engage and Confirm programming may include activities such as helping at the food shelf or Christmas caroling at a nursing home etc. Transportation for these activities will be provided by parents, chaperones or church staff. Parents will be notified before these activities take place. Each driver will have a background check and proof of insurance filed with OFLC before the activity for which they are driving.

Please select one option.
A suggested donation of $25 per family that will be used towards monthly group meals, weekly snacks/drinks & other supplies as needed. 


Thank you for registering for Our Father's Engage & Confirm. If you have additional children to register, please click RETURN TO FORM.

Please check your email for information for updates about Engage & Confirm as we get closer to Rally Night Wednesday 9/27. We strive to provide a safe and fun place to learn and grow in our faith. We are excited to discover more about our Creator and the great plans He has for us this year and beyond!

If you have questions, please call Our Father office at 763-477-6300